I’ve been absent from the lines of teeuwsen.com for a while, but seeing Dan’s posts up has got me going. It’s so good to have him over here, a little taste of home as they say. As I left Taiwan it was pretty hecktick. In the last two weeks I had a photo exhibition and took off around the island on my motorbike. Then, in the last three days I tried to pack up my life, fit a bit of it into a back pack, mail the rest home, say good-bye to my large extended family in Taiwan (whom I love dearly), fill orders photo orders from the show, get books I made of Cambodia from the printers, get my broken camera from Taipei and all sorts of things… any way I got it all done with many great pics from the show and the trip and the going away parties that I didn’t have time to post, but starting from Hong Kong I got tones. If you’ve been reading Dan’s posts it’s a bit anti-climatic-since he’s right up to date-I’m pulling you back a few weeks…
Hong Kong
This is my gorgous friend Ange. Luckily she was visa running from Taiwan on the same day I was flying out. We hung out till the visa office tried to reject her work permit application and she pleaded her way back into Taiwan. I think they were on the right track. Just take one look–South Africans aren’t to be trusted.
This is me buddy Susan who was also looking to escape the big city. We took a ferry out to Lantou to check out the mountains and monistaries for a couple days…
Me and Susan lording over the city from the roof of Chungking Mansions. It’s the cheapest place to stay in town so it’s home to everyone who’s just arrived in town. I met guys from Bangladesh, pakistan, Kenya, Gana and all your regular western tourists. Dan got warned off the place here is the message he got:
I have to ask, Daniel – will you be staying at the ChunKing mansions?
It’s a dump and a fire trap, where the down and out and hippy backpackers stay. In addition to a couple of prostitute and drug related murders over the years it has had fires from its bad electrical wiring. It has been somewhat renovated in the last few years and has some quaint Indian restaurants where one can get cheap meals.
My main concern would be about getting out of the place in the case of a fire at night. In terms of the type of place it would be to stay, can you recall 99th Avenue and 97th Street in Edmonton at it’s worst??
I loved the place. It had great indian food any time day or night. It also happened to be the cheapest food in Hong Kong. Dan arrived in Hong Kong. Yeah. Happy dance. He was tired but I dragged him all across the city anyway. This is him wowed at the big city as we cross the harbor on the ferry
This is Jordan. He’s a tree planter from Canada lost in Asia. A buddy from Taiwan. He was also Visa running from Taiwan.
I was out with Jordan and a guy named Bismal from Gana checking out the bright lights as Dan tried to sleep off his Jet lag.
Jordan felt a little more at home when we stumbled on his street.
Dan on the top of Moon Mountain
Hey Jer/Keith why bother with the U of A? China is much cheaper and they say the equipment is original even in this land of bad knock offs… maybe
Our fried rice and spicy tofu cooks. I finnished the yucky soft and spicy tofu for Dano.
Dano looking studly a little off our tourist path,
And one more photo from town in Yangshuo. I’ll be prying the photos off my card and onto cd as my card fills up. Not nearly as fast as Dan. He just plugs his camera into the computer. No photo shop middle man for him.
I miss all you folks from E-town tones. Feel free to write greenturtle@canada.com . I’ll get you back.
Becky what is your e-mail? It’s been much to long since we’ve talked. The text books came in handy when I was making prints in the dark room. I’ve sold all that old equipment though and sold my soul to the digital. What can I say it’s just much too quick and player friendly.
See ya soon, me and Dan got to run for a train.
October 9th, 2005 at 7:34 pm
As always good pics. Kim and I wish we could be with you guys. Maybe next time.
October 10th, 2005 at 7:13 pm
You sold your soul to digital? Next thing you know you’ll be getting a real job and complaining about taxes.
My address is willson.rebekah@gmail.com (yes, you have to be able to spell both my first and last name in order to get in contact with me).
The pictures are amazing – totally enjoying them.