Now here is a career move that I have not considered. If I put in about 20 hours or more a week playing video games maybe I can go to the video game Olympics, win, and take a job as a professional video game player making $100,000/year with the potential of making $500,000.00 soon after.
Today’s Top Story: Flying squirrel caught in deportation fight
Ottawa has issued an unusual deportation order, demanding that an unwelcome squirrel be sent home. In its defence, the tiny rodent has a lawyer, a legal defence fund and its local MP all working on its behalf.
Sabrina the flying squirrel came to Canada with an Ontario naturalist (Patterson) three months ago… and was just settling in when the Canadian Food Inspection Agency called.
…the federal regulator wanted her gone. The force of their conviction became clear the following day when Patterson received a formal notice that he had to drive the squirrel to the U.S. border.
Horrified by the prospect of relinquishing an animal he had by then bonded with — like a mother to its child, he said — he refused.
When CFIA officials arrived at his door with police backup a few weeks later, Patterson wasn’t home.
… and it keeps going from there. They went to court, won the case and the lawyer was quoted as saying “Squirrel one, Canada nothing!” Now the government is appealing.
How can this be a Top Story. They say my life is boring.
Why is it that we always seem to have the crap military equipment first it is our helicopters, which are finally being replaced with slightly less then state of the art new equipment. Now it is our submarines, but they are just replaced with another countries old subs that they don’t want to run anymore and that have been sitting unused for 5 years. We can’t even get them back to our country because they catch on fire or once they are in our country they have further technical difficulties like faulty valves. The plus side is that we have finally started buying equipment from the 1980s rather then the 1960s.
Are you ready for space travel? In news today… “a privately built rocket has successfully made two trips to the edge of space in two weeks, winning a $10-million US award…” Read the CBC article.
The wining US team sounds like it has it together…
“The American-built SpaceShipOne reached an altitude of 100 kilometers above Earth on Monday, marking its second successful flight to the internationally recognized entry point to space. Its first successful attempt came last Wednesday.”
The American’s launch their space ship from the belly of a jet they call White Knight. There were two Canadian teams among the more than two dozen competitors vying for the $10,000,000 prize.
Now this funny. Looks cool, but is sponsored by online gambling…
“The Toronto-based team da Vinci Project, sponsored by internet gambling site Golden, plans to launch from a balloon in October, according to team leader Brian Feeney.”
Check out their site daVinci Project.
The other project is the Canadian Arrow which doesn’t appear to be making as much progress.
All I know it is time to build a space ship or maybe start with model rockets. I am going to have to talk to Craig.
Last night we went out and celebrated with a bbq and a run through the Edmonton Corn Maze. Here is a pic.
I was reading through some of the search words that were used last month to get to our site and wondered if the people searching for “nunchucks training” or had questions like “can norwegians grow moustaches” were satisified with their search results as they read through
The real question is how often? Should the website be update everyday even though nothing may have happened? Do the people that visit really want to know how comfy my couch is? How about jokes I hear on this hour has 22 minutes?
…today in the news a women gave birth to a baby while taking a bath after which she had a baby shower…
What happens when your daily life isn’t really all that amusing or come to think of it may not really have been? What do you think?
Now some of you are not necessarily the biggest Olympic fans, but I love it and although I didn’t watch much of the Paralympics WOW did we ever take it to them. Maybe I just like wining, but either way who would have guessed that we could do so well. Third in gold medal rankings. Unbelievable!
Anyone want to make a tv show? Check out Maple Shorts. I’m in. I just need a story line and a few more ideas… any thoughts?
First just a little Paralympics promotion as our team is doing pretty good as far as Canada’s Olympic standard. We now have 8 golds compared to only 3 in the Olympics as well as we are currently ranked 8th as far as gold metals which is one above the US and 14 behind China, but who knows. We are suppose to be the best when it comes to wheel chair basketball and a few other sports so… there could be more gold on our horizon.
Last night at my wife’s request mind you we watched Mean Girls. I had never heard of it before entering the movie store and after seeing some posters I had second thoughts. Then I was reminded that Kim’s brother Steve was going to be renting it tomorrow. While at the counter I asked the guy what the movie was about. He looked at me then the movie then paused for a minute and as I was about to tell him not to worry about it he said well… “It is a good movie, but not because of the story line.” Well I guess I know why Steve is going to watch it.