Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Author: dteeuwsen

Happy Thanksgiving Sunday Canada!

Steve and I are just waiting to catch a 11pm night train to our next destination. We are going to see the three gorges dam project and the three gorges, that will be no more in a couple of years when the dam is complete. So right now we are just killing some time in Liuzhou, we cruised around the market and then went bowling (and guess who got a turkey in China…). Truely unique experiences ;).

I hope you all are enjoy your turkey dinners! I wish I could be there, mmm turkey and then pumpkin pie….

I am thanful for that I get this oportunity to travel with my brother Steve and see and experience new cultures and have new experiences. I am thankful for my family. Thankful for my loving girlfriend and all my friends.


Author: steeuwsen

I’ve been absent from the lines of for a while, but seeing Dan’s posts up has got me going. It’s so good to have him over here, a little taste of home as they say. As I left Taiwan it was pretty hecktick. In the last two weeks I had a photo exhibition and took off around the island on my motorbike. Then, in the last three days I tried to pack up my life, fit a bit of it into a back pack, mail the rest home, say good-bye to my large extended family in Taiwan (whom I love dearly), fill orders photo orders from the show, get books I made of Cambodia from the printers, get my broken camera from Taipei and all sorts of things… any way I got it all done with many great pics from the show and the trip and the going away parties that I didn’t have time to post, but starting from Hong Kong I got tones. If you’ve been reading Dan’s posts it’s a bit anti-climatic-since he’s right up to date-I’m pulling you back a few weeks…

Hong Kong

This is my gorgous friend Ange. Luckily she was visa running from Taiwan on the same day I was flying out. We hung out till the visa office tried to reject her work permit application and she pleaded her way back into Taiwan. I think they were on the right track. Just take one look–South Africans aren’t to be trusted.

This is me buddy Susan who was also looking to escape the big city. We took a ferry out to Lantou to check out the mountains and monistaries for a couple days…
Me and Susan lording over the city from the roof of Chungking Mansions. It’s the cheapest place to stay in town so it’s home to everyone who’s just arrived in town. I met guys from Bangladesh, pakistan, Kenya, Gana and all your regular western tourists. Dan got warned off the place here is the message he got:

I have to ask, Daniel – will you be staying at the ChunKing mansions?

It’s a dump and a fire trap, where the down and out and hippy backpackers stay. In addition to a couple of prostitute and drug related murders over the years it has had fires from its bad electrical wiring. It has been somewhat renovated in the last few years and has some quaint Indian restaurants where one can get cheap meals.

My main concern would be about getting out of the place in the case of a fire at night. In terms of the type of place it would be to stay, can you recall 99th Avenue and 97th Street in Edmonton at it’s worst??

I loved the place. It had great indian food any time day or night. It also happened to be the cheapest food in Hong Kong.
Dan arrived in Hong Kong. Yeah. Happy dance. He was tired but I dragged him all across the city anyway. This is him wowed at the big city as we cross the harbor on the ferry
This is Jordan. He’s a tree planter from Canada lost in Asia. A buddy from Taiwan. He was also Visa running from Taiwan.
I was out with Jordan and a guy named Bismal from Gana checking out the bright lights as Dan tried to sleep off his Jet lag.

Jordan felt a little more at home when we stumbled on his street.


Dan on the top of Moon Mountain
Hey Jer/Keith why bother with the U of A? China is much cheaper and they say the equipment is original even in this land of bad knock offs… maybe
Our fried rice and spicy tofu cooks. I finnished the yucky soft and spicy tofu for Dano.

Dano looking studly a little off our tourist path,

And one more photo from town in Yangshuo. I’ll be prying the photos off my card and onto cd as my card fills up. Not nearly as fast as Dan. He just plugs his camera into the computer. No photo shop middle man for him.

I miss all you folks from E-town tones. Feel free to write . I’ll get you back.

Becky what is your e-mail? It’s been much to long since we’ve talked. The text books came in handy when I was making prints in the dark room. I’ve sold all that old equipment though and sold my soul to the digital. What can I say it’s just much too quick and player friendly.

See ya soon, me and Dan got to run for a train.

Author: dteeuwsen

Hello from the Longji area, where the dragon back rice terrace fields are. We have had a great day hiking around and enjoying the quite and somewhat remote village we have been staying in.

A couple of shots for you all. The sunrise at 7am.

This is the village we are in now.
And a couple of cool dudes.
Next we plan to travel to take a boat to see the three gorges.


Author: Jeremy Teeuwsen

Good News. I finally took some time to clean up You should be able to see the picture gallery again and some of the other features should be working. One downside is that when our last hosting company bailed on us they lost all of our comments and some of the pictures associated with posts. As we find them we will put them back in.

Either way we should be good to go. Let me know if something is not working properly.

Author: dteeuwsen

Thursday: Steve and I rented bikes again and went for a 3 1/2 hour tour. We were never really lost but never really knew where we were and as a result didn’t end up where we wanted to. Oh well, we ended up close to where we started. Here are a couple of photos along the way…

We then went to this ginormous cave. It was pretty incredible. It came complete with a mud bath which we had to partake in. It had some enourmous caverns and some really cool mineral depsits. Steve go some pretty cool photos, which will have to be put up later.

Tomorrow is a travel day to Longsheng. Cheers,

Author: dteeuwsen

Picture Time: Soo Many People. I just can’t believe it. Everywhere you go people and more people. Although it is the Chinese national holiday this week, which makes all the touristy spots busier.

Steve Sleeping on the overnight train. Aww…

In Yangshuo.. so many peaks it just un-real.

Author: dteeuwsen

Hello from China. Things are going pretty good here. I have made it to Hong Kong after 15 1/2 hours of flights and met up with Steve and we are now taking the country by storm.

On Monday, the we crusised around Hong Kong doing all sorts of touristy things like riding the tram and taking the worlds longest escilator system. Then Monday night we were treated to a wonderful home cooked dinner at the place of Ron and Sarah Koyich, it was a real treat.

Tuesday we then got up early, partly because we wanted to get an early start on the day and partly because I was still suffering jet lag, and took the train into mainland China at Guangzhou (sp?). We then cruised around a marked a bit and took a night train to Gui Lin. We arived in Gui Lin at 6:30 in the morning and hoped onto a bus to Yangshuo where we are right now. Today we rented some bikes and biked to Moon Mountain. Moon Mountain is this cool mountain with an arch in the middle of it. We then hiked up to the very top of the mountain and took some photos and took in the view of the amazing peaks around. From there we took our bikes and went for a tour of the country side biking through rice paddies and along a river.

Tomorrow we are going to spend here before moving on again. I will see if i can’t post some pictures later.

That is all for now. Cheers!

Author: dteeuwsen

So, no updates in a while, and probably no one reading this site anymore. Well we will see what we can do to rectify this in the next few weeks. For three weeks I am going to try and bring you exciting tales from the orient, as Steve and I cruise China. Stay tuned who nows where we will end up or what we may eat. Cheers!

Author: Jeremy Teeuwsen

Tuesday night Kim and I went to the movie Crash with a few friends. It wasn’t to bad, but seeing as I like to be mindlessly entertained it wasn’t exactly what I was looking for.

At any rate we went to bed only to be rudely awoken by a great big man trying to kick down our door. I heard the bangs, went down stairs and had a little chat with him. He was convinced that his friends lived in my house, that I needed to wake them up and if I didn’t let him in he was going to tear my house a part in the morning. I asked for the address he was looking for and he was out by about 6 avenues and 2 streets. I tired to explain, but it got me nowhere. Eventually I convinced him to go away. Needless to say he was quite drunk and it took a lot of work, but he managed to walk away.

So… the next morning as I am heading out to work I notice that the guy must have fallen off of the steps and into the flower garden on his way up to the door. I found his wallet, cell phone, and lighter. Rather then phone China we turned his stuff into the Cops for them to return. I did however notice that he was gainfully employed at the local strip club. All in all a bit of an adventure.

Author: Jeremy Teeuwsen


Well for all you readers out there. The Teeuwsen line is growing. Kim is pregnant and soon I will be a dad. Very exciting I know. It has been a bit of a wild ride this last year since we have come back from Austria and this just tops it off.