It’s a little late, but here are a few pictures from my Chile trip last week. The majority of time was spent working, but I did get to sneak away for a day of skiing and an afternoon at the beach. Santiago is really beautiful city, but I didn’t get any pictures of it. Maybe next time… if there is a next time.
First we hit the beach on Saturday Afternoon…

Look closely and you can see the Walruses
The Beach
Restaurant by the Beach
Pelicans that joined us for Supper
The next day we hit the ski hill…

Road to the Ski Hill
More road to the skill Hill
Part of the Ski Hill
Top of the Skill Hill (approx 4000 meters)
Skiing Partner Lyle
The Chalet and Parking Lot.
Relaxing after Skiing
The Road Down
There is a quick photo tour.
October 14th, 2007 at 4:07 pm
Practice all you want… This winter will see you eating my snow… beware…
October 15th, 2007 at 3:22 am
yaya… all talk let’s see some action.