Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Author: Jeremy Teeuwsen

Well here they are, the pictures from this last tour. We did more then 7000 height meters in about 3 days time and climbed up the highest mountain in the Tauern Mountain Region. Have a look at the pics.

Author: Jeremy Teeuwsen

Well we are back at Tauernhof again. It feels good to rest the feet. Pictures should hopefully be up tomorrow if I don’t get sucked away into to much other work.

Author: Jeremy Teeuwsen

What an amazing last couple of days. Climbing yesterday and Canyoning today. We even hit up a little Mc Donald’s on the way back, which is a rare treat. The only downside is that I have not video to show you as my video camera died last time we went Canyoning. This brings me to another very important point. If any of you have any spare money laying around doing nothing, but gathering dust then there is still an opportunity to give to my video camera memorial fund! What a great opportunity to bring movies back. Such high quality entertainment. Man I miss it… sniff sniff

Author: Jeremy Teeuwsen


Have a great day Dad. I look forward to seeing you again soon.

Author: Jeremy Teeuwsen

Well here are the pictures from the Dachstein Tour.

Author: Jeremy Teeuwsen

Well we are back from another action packed adventure. We had absolutely amazing weather as we summitted the Dachstein and this time my group was lucky enough to have Kim along for the ride. The Dachstein is a 3000m(10000feet) mountain, the largest in the area, but what makes it so special is that it has a 1000m vertical south face and hopefully before the end of the summer I will summit the Dachstein again only this time up the South Face.

Soon there will be a picture update and plenty of stories to share. First one about the Dachstein. Hiking to the top is not too difficult, but involves crossing one of two large glaciers, while being roped together with your team mates so as not to lose anyone in a crevasse, followed by which we climb up one of two large klettersteigs that weave along the edge of the 1000m cliff. Klettersteigs are large sections of steel cable or rope that are bolted up the side of the mountain. The person climbing the klettersteig has a special “klettersteig set”, which is basically two carabineers at either end of a short piece of rope which at the middle is attached to your harness. As you ascend the mountain you clip one carabineer on to the rope/cable and as you pass a bolt you clip the other carabineer in above the bolt and unclip the lower one and so on. The reason for the klettersteig is that the climb is either too difficult for normal walking or if you trip the risk of dieing is too great. Needless to say we climbed to the top of the Dachstein over glaciers, steep and dangerous terrain, and with our backpacks on. I must say I was impressed with how many handled their fears.

The only real danger that we almost faced was shortly after we had climbed off of the klettersteig and back on to the glacier. As we were preparing to start off across the glacier another climber started a rock slide down onto about 4 people climbing. Thank-fully no one was hurt, but both guides were surprised that no one was killed! Considering the size of group it is a good reminder of how important it is to be careful and constantly remind the students about safety and check that they are safe.

Here is a picture of me sitting on the highest point. I climbed the cross as well, but you can see that in the picture set that I put up tomorrow.

Author: Jeremy Teeuwsen

Well the week in pictures has turned out to be the week and a bit in pictures. Here are some pictures of our most recent adventures. Lots of action and adventure both on the mountain and in the mountain.

Author: Jeremy Teeuwsen

Well it has been an exciting week.  Lots of adventure.  I see that that Edmonton has some adventure of it’s own with all the flooding.  This week we did some climbing and caving and I will put up the highlights either tonight or tomorrow morning.  Last night we went to Salzburg and watched Spiderman 2.  I was satisfied with 2 very good hours of action and adventure.  Then this morning I preached again.  The sermon was on Doubt(23MB).  Download it and let me know what you think. Sound quality is a little low, but not to bad.

Author: dteeuwsen

“I see that you are drinking 1%, is that ’cause you think your fat? ’cause your not, you could be drinking whole if you wanted to. Well I have all your equipment in my locker, you should probably come and get it because I can’t fit my nunchucks in there anymore.” Napoleon Dynamite

If you haven’t seen it, go see it, and laugh and laugh and laugh some more. I will warn you, although this movie is quite funny, it really has no plot.

Author: Jeremy Teeuwsen

Almost forgot we are going out on tour so it is going to be a while till my next post, but I should have some good pics. Also I now have a link to my Resume. Just in case you have a job that might fit me. 🙂 I am interested in Business Development and Marketing (probably in software firm although I am open) and on the flip I am still interested in Ministry, but I don’t know where exactly I would fit.