Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Author: Jeremy Teeuwsen


Old Jake lived alone in Eastern Newfoundland. He wanted to spade his potato garden, but it was very hard work. His only son, Mike, who used to help him, was in an Ontario prison.

The old man wrote a letter to his son and described his predicament:

Dear Mike,

I am feeling a mite down because it looks like I won’t be able to plant me potato garden this year. I’m just getting too old to be digging up a garden plot. If you were here, all my troubles would be over. I know you would dig the plot for me.

Love, Dad

A few days later he received a letter from his son:

Dear Father,

For CRYING OUT LOUD, don’t dig up the garden! That’s where I buried all them feckin’ BODIES!

Love, Mike

At 4 A. M. the next morning, a dozen agents from the R.C.M.P. along with local police officer showed up and dug up the entire garden down to a depth of about six feet.

That evening, not finding any bodies, they apologized to the old man

and left.

The next day the old man received another letter from his son:

Dear Father,

Go ahead and plant yer spuds now. It’s the best I could do under the circumstances!

Love, Mike

Author: Jeremy Teeuwsen

My wife often reminds me in not so many words that I am not romantic. When we were married someone gave us this game for our wedding called “simply romantic nights”. Needless to say Keith was over snooping through our cupboards and found this game. He proceeded to read some of the romantic evenings that you are suppose to be having with your wife. Well needless to say it appears that I am a bit of a failure, but maybe not quite as much as this guy… How Men Screw Up Romance(2MB).

Author: Jeremy Teeuwsen

Now even though most of us are nice, kind and considerate people most of us have road range. Based on my limited friendships they worst cases of road rage are with the women. No one wants to hear it, but it’s true and I am sure that regardless of being a man or a woman you will probably be able to relate a little to this Malcolm in the Middle clip(3MB).

Author: Jeremy Teeuwsen

So what is the real story??? Did a plane actually crash into the pentagon? hmmm…. Check it out.

Author: Jeremy Teeuwsen

So… what are you thinking???

Author: Jeremy Teeuwsen

HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! What??? I’m a little bit late. lol

Things have been going a bit crazy here and so I haven’t been able to get to much done. I go on a mortgage agent conference this weekend. It is going to be terribly exciting. I can hardly wait. 🙂 Speaking of which don’t for get that if you need a mortgage I am definitely your man. Great rates friendly service. Everything that you are looking for. Well at least you can compare it with your banks rate. Anyway enough advertising.

Things are also starting to pickup with the computer business. I am working on a couple of contracts that have some good potential. We will see exactly how they pan out.

So it is another year. The last one has come and gone. Was it good? Definitely! Lots of adventure both here and on the other side of the ocean. We got to know great people in Austria and the rest of Europe and came back home and it was as if we hadn’t even left. They didn’t even forget us here.

I am looking forward to this new year. I don’t know what exactly is going to happen, but it is going to be good. Hopefully the business’s grow to the point of some consistent and significant income. Then maybe we can go away again or as hard as it might seem I believe there are plenty of adventures to be had here.

Hopefully soon Dan, Keith, and I will be out making some more videos. There is the beginning’s of a ski video coming together involving a rather large staircase by Nicole’s place.

Side note: In case you didn’t know Nicole is Dan’s girlfriend. We have even met her parents over Christmas. Quite an exciting girl that seems to be keeping Dan in line. I would share some stories, but…. another day. 🙂

Back to where I was… as well as there is a new band on the horizon “28 bones”. It is a name that you will not want to forget. Once I have sometime I am sure I can work with Keith to get a small webpage up or at least a sub page of Just remember you are the first to hear about something truly great. 🙂

Other then that I don’t have much to say. I think that should give you the jist of what is going on. Now I am back to work…

Author: Jeremy Teeuwsen

It has been a pretty crazy Christmas run, but it is all coming to a close now, but seeing as I didn’t get a chance to wish all of you a Merry Christmas yet…

Merry Christmas!

Author: Jeremy Teeuwsen

Today Keith and I relived a little Christmas Eve tradition Calvin & Hobbes style.


Author: steeuwsen

Merry Christmas!

Hey family, know I’ll be missing cozy living rooms and Christmas tree’s this Christmas morning… But I heard the package I sent has arrived, so you can all talk about how great I am when you’re opening it… and how much you miss me.

We had the Christmas play at school last weekend. I rode in on a motorcycle in a Santa suit. The directors husband set off fireworks as we(the other two foreign teachers) drove in circles, with Santa is coming to town. We ran up on stage, introduced the play and then it was my KA1’s play a Christmas Carol so I stripped off the Santa suit. I was wearing my sparkely Scrooge suit underneath. There were a few more plays and then I was Frosty the Snowman for my KB2’s play. The teachers had to play a little song and i scored the Maracas seeing as how I’m so musically talented. Then I was Santa again to say good by and hand out candy. It was a blur of costume changing, techno-Christmas carol, candy throwing confusion.

After all the flash and show, I headed back to my place. J was having a house warming/ Christmas party. We packed our place. It was pretty loud until about 4, but there were no complaints and I got to meet J’s buddies from Jungli and Taoyuan.

Most of my friends are getting together for Christmas Eve at a pretty nice restaurant. The Anglers will play and we’ll be eating lobster and such. No turkey on the menu unfortunately. Christmas morning I’ll be having people over for stockings. We’ll all be bringing about 10 little somethings and I’ll throw ’em in different bags and we’ll cheers Christmas. My buddy Lora will have a pot luck at her house that night.

It’s no Christmas at home but, it’s a whole lot more festive then my last Christmas.

Merry Christmas,



Author: Jeremy Teeuwsen
Here is a look at what I look like with out all the hair. Very professional I hope. Maybe someone you would like to do business with. 🙂 If not then it may have all been a waste.