Well first there was a cyclone, then riots and now guess what another cyclone… This one doesn’t look like it is going to hit Tamatave, but it is huge and it looks like it is a 3.5 on the cyclone scale.
< lost picture 🙁 >
Posted in Madagascar |
I was just thinking about how nice the weather is around here. It can however be a bit hot at times. Before moving to the camp we had to empty the office of any computers, extra server equipment, files/folders, and so on. Just in case the office got attacked. It sweated so much that it looked as if I had just gotten out of the pool. Then again I got this email from Kim today,
“today it got up to about +5 and tonight it started raining so everything is getting pretty slick…well, our entire driveway is a skating rink…there isn’t an inch that isn’t ice. i went to take out the garbage and fell about halfway down the driveway, then slide the rest of the way to the bottom. i almost didn’t stop at the end! then on the way back up i literally couldn’t move. i had to put my hands down and crawl up the driveway. i thought for a minute i was going to have to slide back to the bottom and trudge my way up through knee deep snow!”
So the bottom line is I am missing my family and friends, but I can’t say I am missing the weather. 🙂
Posted in Madagascar |
It appears to have gotten a little more intense. There is a fair amount of trouble around the country, but we are quite safe here in the camp. If you want to see updates visit: http://www.sobika.com
Posted in Madagascar |
Madagascar Riots
Well in case any of you have googled it you will find that there are riots going on int Tana. Not the whole country. Last week I was in Tana, but this week I am safely tucked away in Tamatave (Toamasina). There are a lot more stories flying around about what is going on then what you will find in the news, but I will save those till we see what actually happens. Here is a picture of the main TV station burning.
< lost picture 🙁 >
Posted in Madagascar |
Currently I am living at the camp by the plant site and my commute back into the city for work is about 20 minutes. However it can be delayed if they are moving equipment from the port (which is in the center of town) to the plant site. This is a video of a converter (I believe) being moved to the plant site.
For some reason I can’t get it embedded into the web page so click here to Download it. (2MB)
Posted in Madagascar |
Well I just lived through my first Cyclone. Well it was a pretty baby Cyclone. It just scraped into Category 1. We got into work yesterday and then they sent us home. Here is a picture of Cyclone Eric, which hit us and another Cyclone/Tropical Storm that is on the other side of the Island. Eventually a big one is going to come through and when it does I will show all of you some actual pictures.
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Driving with Judah often involves explaining a lot about what different vehicles are doing and what their names are. For example.
Judah: We are following the blue car?
Dad: Yes we are following the blue car and there is an SUV following us.
Judah: SmyV is following us?
Dad: No an SUV is following us.
Judah: Oh… yah… an SmyV is following us.
Dad: No an SUV is following us.
Judah: SUV is following us?
Dad: Yes an SUV is following us.
I often wish I had a little tape recorder for all the conversations that we have. Typing his words don’t do them justice. 🙂
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As many of you already know Kim came to visit me in Madagascar this week. The only problem is that her suitcase hasn’t made it. Supposedly it will come tonight, but that is what we heard last night. Now we are just hoping she gets it before we go home on Friday night.
Anyway the only pants she has are the ones she wore on the plane. Nice camo pants. However just today at lunch we found out they are illegal to wear and if the army sees you in them they could just take them away from you… in the middle of the street. Needles to say I told Kim there was no real rush in her finding some new pants or a skirt. 🙂
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Ok, here are some pictures from the surfing adventure. Some audiences may want to avert their eyes…
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