Well it is now spring time here. I guess from now on it is often above 0 at the bottom of the hill where the school is located. Last night it rained and rained and rained and rained, but at least it isn’t -40. 🙂
Talk to you later. I am heading out to work on my tan.
Posted in Austria |
Well after I posted “Kim the movie” I received my first threatening email. From you guessed it her brother Steve. It goes something like this…
“you don’t want none of this, tough guy. Don’t get caught in the storm.”
It is difficult to know what to say, but I’ll be here waiting. 🙂
Posted in Austria |
New movie addition today. “Kim the Movie” I don’t have a lot of footage of her since I have been injured, but what I do have is priceless. Be sure to check it out and let me know what you think.
Posted in Austria |
Now most of you live very exciting edge of your seat type lives, but I know that a few of you do also live boring lives that involve working 8 to 5 everyday and what you need is a little bit of a jump start in the morning before you start work. Some of you are thinking coffee, but no I have two words “Get Fuzzy“. What a great comic. You should read at least 3 or 4 different comics before starting work such as Get Fuzzy or Dilbert or explodingdog.com one of Dan’s favorites. Get Fuzzy just had a great run on those antique appraisal shows. Pure Genius. Also CAUTION when reading expodingdog it is not funny to normal people. 🙂 Just people like Dan or Drew.
Posted in Interesting Links |
Man ski instructors are dropping like flies. Another person has hurt their knee. Only this time I think she might even be out for the season. You can pray for her.
Posted in Austria |
If you have seen the links, but haven’t checked it out yet go to www.skype.com and give me a call. Thanks to Garnett for showing me this one. It is way better then talking over msn.
Posted in Interesting Links |
One more quick note, I also posted a couple of pictures of some drilling equipment that I have worked on at work. This is for all of you who wonder what I do all day… this is it drill design… woo hoo! You can also check out more at Mobile Augers’ web site. Mobile Augers is a sister company to the one I work for, they do actual drilling. My company builds they use, it is amazing how it all works together.
Posted in General |
As I sit here writing this message, trying to peer out my window through the ice that has built up on it, I couldn’t help but think of when times were a bit warmer. Days that you could go outside and enjoy yourself, but alas winter has bared her nasty teeth and is proceding to try and take a bite out of anyone and anything. Oh well, can’t last forever I tell my self. But till then I will have the memories of last summer…. and in light of that I have posted some pictures from a mountain bike trip I took with some guys to Moab, Utah. Thanks need to be given to Dave who took the pictures. You can check them out in the pictures page. Oh, and look up Dave’s page Canadians in Moab, photographs of past trips to the mountain biking mecca.
Posted in General |
A big Congrats to Tash and Cory on their new baby!
Well Stu… how does it feel to be a grandpa? lol Dan inform us that Tash had a 10 pound 10 ounce baby. All Kim could say was ouch and that she was going to have a 6 pound baby to which Dan was kind of enough to reply “…good luck you know it’s going to have a big head like Jer!”
Now what’s that suppose to mean????
Posted in Announcements |
It’s another beautiful day in Schladming. Ski is clear skiing is good and I … well … I am sitting on my big butt waiting for my knee to get better. I am missing valuable ski days. Of course after my knee is better I can probably still get in another 60 or so. LOL suckers…
There is still plenty of winter left and one wild summer coming up. I encourage all you to do as I did. Quit your jobs, rent out your houses and come here.
In addition we have an amazing summer program filled with backpacking, rafting, climbing, caving, canyoning, and many many other adventures. It is called Upward Bound and there is plenty of room. I could even be your guide through this amazing adventure. Check out www.fackeltraeger.at!
Also a friendly reminder from Kim, “Don’t forget to write us! :)”
Tauernhof, Coburgstrasse 50, A-8970, Schladming, Austria.
Posted in Austria |