On our way to Tunisia

Author: Jeremy Teeuwsen

Well it has been a little while since my last post and it is going to be a little while till our next one. We are heading to Tunisia tomorrow at 5 am. Then nothing but hot sun, food, the beach, and the Mediterranean. Should be good as I have been so kind as to remind you. Since it has been so long since my last post and so long till the next I have added a movie to the teeuwsen.com movie library. It is a promotional movie that I am working on for the Tauernhof Ski Camps. Let me know what you think. Till next time!


Author: Jeremy Teeuwsen

Well it has been a bit of a rough weekend as Kim and I have been pretty sick from fever to sore throat to just a plain old cold, but hopefully we are coming out of it and thankfully it has all happened before we leave for Tunisia.

Off to Hong Kong

Author: steeuwsen

Hey Jer looking good climbing, nice to see you have a proud mane growing in there. Looks like you’ll have to get climbing more though, dem rippeling back muscles seem to be a little lacking (not that I can give you a hard time unless rippeling back hair counts).

Well, I’m off to hong Kong tonight. I’ve got to get the visa stamped and wish I had more free time. I’d stay the weekend, but it’s only two weeks till the show and I’ve got to get back and lock myself in the darkroom. So, it’s twelve hours in Hong Kong, 8-8. I guess I’ll see if I can catch a bus into town and dig the streets at night. That’s probably all I’ll able to do though, by the sounds of it everything is so expensive I should pack my food with me. But I’ll get in and shoot a couple pictures so I can show yeh a little of what’s there.

How are you doing?

Author: Jeremy Teeuwsen

Ever notice that when you greet someone the first thing you ask is how you are doing? Often the person being asked or the person doing the asking don’t really think to much about it and just says or expects to hear good as the response. So, seeing as I am a pretty average ordinary guy I asked Dan, “how’s it going?” to which he replied “not to bad.” After talking with him for a few minutes he informed me that he has a sun burn, he’s stuck at work and he just sliced his hand open cutting a bagel and had to get stitches, but you know he’s “not to bad.” Good stuff. I guess it is not bad compared to many others. Either way I’m doing good.


Author: Jeremy Teeuwsen

Tunisia here we come. We picked up the tickets today and we will be leaving next week Friday. The only down side is our return flight. 5:10 in the morning. Sometimes life is ruff.

Skate Park Fire

Author: dteeuwsen

What do you do when you are at a skate park, cleaning up the storage room, and are bored? You have a fire behind the building, thats what. Lets just say I was feeling the heat.

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Photo props go to Steve Opperdawg. Cheers!

Author: Jeremy Teeuwsen

Well here are the first climbing pictures of the season as taken by Manu. It is suppose to rain and snow this week, but hopefully we get out on the rock soon and hopefully we will be able to go mountain biking soon. All in good time.

Skiing or Climbing

Author: Jeremy Teeuwsen

Today was a day of contrasts. Some of us went skiing and some went climbing. The climbing wall we were on is at the base of the ski hill. It was so warm that we were just wearing shorts and no shirts and right beside us people were skiing down in their full ski suits some of them wearing hats and scarves. I think we will go again tomorrow. I will be sure to put up some pictures.

2 Unlimited

Author: dteeuwsen

Here is something that Jeremy has never told any of us before. I am not sure why, but super sleuth noodle_k found this and showed me, and I thought the world should know. Jeremy was a member of 2 Unlimited. Not sure why he didn’t tell us that he was part of the greatest techno band ever!! Check it out…
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April Fools

Author: Jeremy Teeuwsen

April Fools. Well nothing to exciting happened today. No practical jokes. Quite disappointing over here in Europe, but for your pure reading enjoyment I have included a link to the Top 100 April Fools Jokes. Some aren’t to bad.