Author: Jeremy Teeuwsen

Well we recently went to a Football game, American Football for the Europeans check’n in, and I managed to catch some rare footage of “Danc’n Dan and the Rump Rollers!” Check it out…

Wow what a show!

Author: dteeuwsen

Yee Haw!

Cowboy training school was in session on Friday night. I got my ass kicked, and it wasn’t even a real bull. I guess the cowboy life just isn’t for me….


or for Wade either…


Author: dteeuwsen

Ninja’s vs. Liberation Army!

Who will survive
Who will die
Who will get the secrets to the box
Who will get taped up and left to cry!


Author: Jeremy Teeuwsen

Ok I plagiarized the following from Drew‘s web page, but it sure was funny especially as I sit here beside our dog and wonder what it’s would have to say. Not to mention my last couple of posts may have been a bit dull.


I happened to be browsing the American Dialect Society’s website and noticed that the most outrageous word of the year for 2003 was Neuticles… fake testicles for neutered pets. Now seriously, who would shell out the money to pay for the piece of mind that their pets self esteem is intact because he’s still got his balls? Veterinarians rave…

“We’ve been waiting for a product like this for years.”

Dr. M. Murray

Western Suburbs Veterinary Clinic

Queensland, Australia(PBS Radio)

The neutering business must be a dull one (no pun intended), to have been waiting for prosthetic testicles for any length of time. Think of how the dog must feel… he goes in for surgery and when he wakes up he notices no changes except for a massive incision on his lickables. His only rational thought at that point must be, “Those fockers sliced me down there for no reason!” At which point he probably runs away.

If anyone is interested in joining the ranks of Nuticle-izers, but don’t have a pet to sacrifice, they can always buy some merch from the Neuticle shop. My personal favorites are the necklace and the BBQ apron, because you know that pet owners who care enough to put nut implants in their pets, just love to fry up a big ol’ fat steak.



Author: Jeremy Teeuwsen


We are heading out to the new Joey’s. Haven’t been to the old one, but the new one is suppose to be good.

Author: Jeremy Teeuwsen

Well our lives are starting to get more interesting. Tonight we painted Dan’s house. Very Exciting! Don’t worry though we didn’t paint over the beautiful painting that he uncovered in his bedroom.

Also in case any of you are sitting there in your office and looking at your own web pages or say promotional CD and you are wondering man if only I had a nice web page like or a great promotional CD like the one that Tauernhof now has. Then just let me know and I am sure that we can work something out. 🙂

Author: Jeremy Teeuwsen

Well I wouldn’t say that today was terribly exciting. I did however manage to get the Tauernhof promotional CD done. At least the English version. If you want you can download it and have a look, but be warned it is a 43MB download.

Author: Jeremy Teeuwsen

Here is the deal. I need to sell the beetle. I have put more then $5000 into it and it is not bad shape. Runs and like most beetles still needs things done, but the body is in good shape and fix up the interior. I would like to get between $2500 and $3000 for it. So… make me an offer. Come and see it if you would like.

Contact Me

Author: Jeremy Teeuwsen

Well I thought we came back to Summer, but nooooo it has to SNOW in September! I am lucky I still have power the trees are bent over so far from thick slushy snow.

Author: dteeuwsen

So I was removing some wall paper from my house and discovered a really fun paint job. It was like discovering a treasure that was lost……….