Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Author: Jeremy Teeuwsen

Scotland. Everything we imagined cold and wet. Currently we are in Stirling. If you have watched Braveheart (which as you would have it is being watched in the hostel right now) it is where he has his biggest battle and where Robert the Bruce has his biggest battle at the end of the movie and defeats the British. Actually other then the crazy amounts of rain at first Scotland looked a lot like Canada. I will post pictures, but after we get back.

5 more days and still no girl for Steve… 🙂

Author: dteeuwsen

I guess I should be updating the site, especially since Jeremy is off having a good time. Well I don’t really have much to say…. Steve and I went Longboarding tonight… “and it was f’n awesome” – steve. We are both Sector 9 boys, you should all check them out.

Author: Jeremy Teeuwsen

Well the Tour of Great Britain is of to an amazing start. Actually it is already half over. We met Steve on the second day, toured London and looked for available British Girls for Steve to take home. Well there has been limited success, but many attempts. Steve would like to add that he spent a few hours talking to one in teh hostel, but the problem is he used all his lines in the first day and had none for the second day. lol Well he is getting better. Maybe sometime in the next 9 days he will score and by score I mean convince a girl to go to Canada. Just in case you thought seomthing else.

Then we rented the car… this is truly the beginning of our adventure. First we coudn’t find the car rental place. We decided to take a different bus then the one they recommended to take to th rental place at the Heathrow Sheraton. Unfortunately we were dropped off not at the Sheraton, but in the middle of nowhere halfway between two Sheraton’s and do you think anyone actually knew which Sheraton was the Heathrom Sheraton. Nope. So, needless to say we headed first to the wrong one, but after about halfway we were directed towards the correct one. On a positive note we were upgraded multiple car levels and instead of getting a small matchbox we received a fillly loaded Vauxhall Vectra that is of similar size to a Toyota Camry. We then settled into our positions, myself as driver, Steve as navigator, and Kim relaxing in the back. She is after all the master planner and in the end is in charge.

With Steve as our navigator and myself driving on the wrong side of the road, shifting with the wrong hand, and driving a rental which they are sure to remind you repeatedly that even the smallest of scratches will cost. Sow e got lost. We had to drive all the way back into Heathrow depatures just to get our bearings and then after pretending to drop someone off we were on our way. We saw Leeds Castle, Stone Henge, and camped by the Roman Baths in Bath. While at Leeds we had our frist slurpee in 9 months the unfortunate thing is that it was probably the smallest slurpee I have ever seen and cost 1 Pound. This is probably the most expensive country I have ever been to.

We are now staying with Andy and Hazel by Lancaster and Capernwray Hall. It has been great satying with them. Theya re treating us like a couple of Kings and a Queen. Fancy breakfasts and the easy life. Thank goodness they came to Austria in the winter so we could give them ski lessons and work the angle on a great place to stay. Not to mention now that Andy has had ski lessons with me he is preparing for the backwards skiing race which he hopes will be a demonstratio sport in the next Winter Olympics.

On a Olympic note the only medal we have heard that Canada has one was a Silver which they lost to Britan in the Koxs 4s (4 man rowing race). We have been reminded repeatedly of our loss and how produ the British are of their athletes. they are always careful to remind us at the end that the Canadians were such good sports after their loss. Well I guess that may count for something.

We are off to Scotland so if ther is time we will update again, but otherwise we will let you know how it went once we get home. Hopefully it is all clear. It is hard to type clearly when it is a Pound for every 20 minutes and you only have one Pound.

Author: Jeremy Teeuwsen

Thank-you for all the birthday support. It was a great day. Below is a picture of Kim and I. I am wearing my birthday clothes, new shirt from Kim, necklace by Kim, and Touque by Kim. She is definitely multitalented.

It is hard to believe, but today is our last day here at Tauernhof. Early tomorrow morning we fly out of Salzburg for London. Spend a couple of weeks touring around and then we are back in Edmonton. Home to see many of you again. Very exciting, but still a bit of mixed emotions as it has been such an amazing time here. So many good people and good times. Maybe we will be back again.

One other piece of good news for all readers/viewers. A new video camera is in sight. I am very excited to say that a very large and generous donation (non birthday related) has been made to the memorial fund and once I get home a new camera will be purchased and new movies made. I know that many of you can hardly wait to see what will be next in the movie archives, but only time will tell. Does Edmonton hold the same excitement as Schladming. I think so. It just might take a little more time to discover.

I will try and update you a bit while in London, but otherwise see you in two weeks or rather you will see me.

Author: dteeuwsen
Happy Birthday Geronimo (aka Jeremy T)!!
You better be partying like it’s your birthday.
It’s your birthday, it’s your birthday, whoooot whoooo!!

Author: Jeremy Teeuwsen

Well it has been a crazy couple of days. I have been working on a promotional CD for the school. It is basically done. I am just waiting for some software to come in the mail and it should be good to go after a little more testing.

Yesterday we abandoned the students in the middle of the night and come morning they had to find their own way down the mountain. Pretty easy task considering the other things that we have done. Once they reached the road we took their packs and they had a 12km race back to the school. Everyone did quite well, but we did have one student that collapsed right before he reached the school. Some students were behind him as he collapsed and ran ahead to get us. When I found him he was shaking and was no longer conscious. We got him back to the school, the ambulance and the emergency doctor came right away and he was taken to the hospital. They did some scans on him and he had no brain damage and his heart and lungs were fine, but he remained unconscious until late in the evening. He is now doing much better, but will have to spend a couple of days in the hospital. It amazes me how a person can push their body to such extremes.

Author: Jeremy Teeuwsen

Well here is a picture update. The students aren’t back, but you can see what they have been up to. I will post some more in the next week if I have a chance.

Author: Jeremy Teeuwsen

Well all most all the students are on their solo. The students that are sick or injured have been asked to do a solo of sorts here at the school, but we will see how well they stick to it. The solo is a 48 hour time period where the students are alone in their own little section of wilderness. They are left with a tarp, rope, 2 carabineers, sleeping bag, sleep mat, and some clothes. They are regularly given water, but are suppose to use the time to build a shelter and then fast and spend time with God. Quite a unique opportunity.

Quick story. We had just gotten to our previous camping spot and were meeting in our teams to discus the events of the last day and how the students were doing in general. Just as the meetings were beginning a heard of cows came down into the tenting area and proceeded to put there noses into the tents and packs. A few brave students ran over to the cows trying to scare them away and sort of heard them to another area. Needless to say none of them were very experienced farmers and the cows quickly got past them. One rather adventurous cow proceeded to eat a students shirt and was just about finished it when one of the students scared the cow and in the process the cow left the shirt behind. The cow however did not have enough and proceeded to dodge some more students got in close and began to eat another shirt this time the cow successfully managed to swallow the entire shirt, but after being chased spirit the shirt back up. Well both shirts where safely recovered and will be used again, but likely not until they have been washed again. 🙂 Very entertaining to watch!

Author: Jeremy Teeuwsen

Today’s Get Fuzzy is definitely worth the read. Today we head into the mountains for our longest tour. Lots of adventures.

Author: Jeremy Teeuwsen

Well it has been quite the busy day today. It is a bit of a free day for me, but I have spent it working on an interactive promotional CD for the school. I think that every spare moment I have is going to spent trying to get this CD completed. As well we shipped some of our belongings home. Actually we probably shipped half of our belongings at a cost of 125 Euros. Crazy expensive, but we would have paid that in extra luggage and storage costs on the way home anyway. Oh well such is life. Other then that not much to report. Tomorrow is suppose to be a nice day and I will let you know then what we have in store for the students…