Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Author: Jeremy Teeuwsen

Well I thought we came back to Summer, but nooooo it has to SNOW in September! I am lucky I still have power the trees are bent over so far from thick slushy snow.

Author: dteeuwsen

So I was removing some wall paper from my house and discovered a really fun paint job. It was like discovering a treasure that was lost……….


Author: Jeremy Teeuwsen

Well I finally have the UK Pictures posted. Have a look and you will be able to see the end of our European Adventure.

Author: Jeremy Teeuwsen

Well things are pretty much in order mostly thinks to Kim and of course me. I worked hard at putting things away… well… I gave lots of moral support.

We have continued to discover things that have changed. For example before we left it was normal for you to take girls that you liked out to movies and maybe nice restaurants, but tonight one of our friends is building model rockets with his girl friend. I guess they are engineers…

Author: dteeuwsen

So as you all have read Steve is gone and is now back enjoying his time in Tiawan. But before he left we had a great night of fun, whooping it up at the Strat and playing Yahtzee at Nicole’s place.


Good times had by all!

Author: Jeremy Teeuwsen

Last night proved to be a bit interesting. We had some people over to watch a movie. Everyone pretty much headed home just a little after 12:00 and we were just in bed when we hear this loud banging on the door. I head down fully unaware of where I am or what is going on and as I got to the door there was no one there, but out the window I could see some cop cars and now DJ & Jeaninne (renting the basement) are out side talking with the cops. Jeaninne waves and I assume everything is under control and although I am a bit curious as to what is going on I just go back to bed instead. Kim on the other hand, who is part secret agent, can’t sleep even minute or two she is asking me what I think is going on and how come we aren’t out there and… Eventually we hear the cops leave and in the interest of me sleeping rather then listening to Kim’s questions we go down stairs to ask what has happened.

Turns out someone was trying to steal Jeaninne’s Dodge Shadow when the neighbours saw them and called the police. In came the helicopter and some more cops and they caught the would be theives with in a few blocks and recovered Jeaninnes 50 cent movie passes. After everything was said and done Jeaninne’s car has some damage, but she does have her movie passes and at 2 in the morning they had to go to the police station and file a report. What a hassel, but thank goodness for good neighbours that stay up late.

Author: Jeremy Teeuwsen

Well just another day in Edmonton. Raining as usual and it looks like it is going to rain all weekend. Today as we were picking up supplies for the lake, food, at Sobey’s (formally IGA (grocery store for those of you that are still lost)) they had a shopping cart guy who’s responsibility was to hold an umbrella over customers head’s as they headed to their cars. The thing is that he had to be about 12 and maybe 5 feet tall if he was lucky and his umbrella was probably 5 feet across. Needless to say he couldn’t open it and fought with it for probably 10 minutes. He was in the umbrella, under the umbrella, over it you name it and for the majority of the time you couldn’t even see him, because his umbrella was so big. In the end he lost the war and went back in to get a slightly smaller, but more manageable umbrella and after only a few seconds had it open and was rescuing customers from the rain.

Author: Jeremy Teeuwsen

Well we are back from Europe. 9 months later and it appears to be almost the same. Other then our house, which appears to be a big disaster with clothes, boxes, and other various things all over the place. I am sure that it will be all cleaned up today so that we can hit the lake tomorrow. The first and last time that we will get to water ski and wakeboard.

Just a last tie up of the British Adventure. Steve Kim’s brother not the Steve in Taiwan. Maybe a bit confusing. Would like to clarify that he did ride home on the plane with a British Girl. She was however 65. Although not ideal he considers this a victory. Not sure if I agree, but each to his own.

Author: steeuwsen

I’m back rocking Taiwan. The flight was alright, my seat didn’t lean back and my video game console was nonexsistent but the 18 hours of plain travel ‘flew’ by.. yuck yuck. Any way I’m back working and I’ve kicked the new ant colonies outa my apartment-I’m starting on the roaches tonight. My good buddy J is going to be moving in tonight too.. So, it’s out with the old tennits and in with the new. I know I’ve said that I’d be posting shots up here of what the place looks like and I will, sometime uh, soon… love ya all -Steve

Author: Jeremy Teeuwsen

Well it is our last full day in England. We are spending it with a friend (Jocelyn) in Hull. Today was a good day though we finally found a TVR model for Steve, but unfortunately no British Girls. See some of you tomorrow….