Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Author: Jeremy Teeuwsen

Did you ever think that Rat’s could fly planes?

Author: steeuwsen

Hey all. I got back from the visa run to Bangkok fine. Best visa run ever, actually. I usually fly to Hong Kong and don’t leave the airport, because it’s a little cheaper. It was Halloween though, so Alia and I went to Thailand.

I went strait from the schools Halloween party, with vampire makeup still on my face, to the airport and flew in really early Saturday morning. Alia and I mostly hung around the City. Eating good food and cracking beers on river boats. The river boats are awesome. We cruised around on a longtail boat for a few bucks to see some of the small canals, the rickety houses on the river with kids jumping off the boat docks.

We tried to do to the Grand Palace but got there to late, but we did get into one temple and to the ridiculously big weekend market. I found mask I’d like to buy but, I thought I’d look around a bit more and I spent about an hour wandering around lost, trying to find the shop again with no luck. The place is a maze.

We hung around Koh San rd. For Halloween which was a circus. It’s a backpacker strip of bars, shops and guest houses. The streets were filled with riotous Halloween fun all night. We had to crash early. Alia was leaving at 7 the next morning. The party was still going when she caught the bus to the airport.

I had a couple of days more so I went to the beach. The closest beach to Bangkok is Patya. But the town is supposed to be sleazy and the beach dirty, so I went a little further to Rayong. It’s pretty much just a Thai resort town so it’s empty mon-fri when everyone works. It was great I spent two days: not talking to anyone, reading and swimming. At night there was a big moon and little phosphoresce in the water.

From the Airport I went strait back to school, in time to get back for my one o-clock class on Wednesday and Alia’s B-day party last night. It was great, lots of friends came out and we feasted on good food. She’s caught up to me now, but I’ll be passing her again soon enough…

Author: Jeremy Teeuwsen

Happy Birthday Red (aka Jeaninne)

Still young and fun, but not for much longer. Soon you will be Thirty and Dirty like your husband. 🙂 Have a good day.

Author: Jeremy Teeuwsen

Battle for the Universe

Today “Deputy Dan”, “Killer Keith”, “Mad Max the Belgium Rocket”, and I “Jump’n Geronimo Jer” will battle for the universe. Well it’s more of a climbing competition, but Deputy Dan currently owns the universe due to a billiards competition and has graciously put it on the line in today’s climbing competition. Will he retain the universe, well… I doubt it, Killer Keith doubts it, and Mad Max really isn’t sure yet as it’s his first time climbing.

Author: Jeremy Teeuwsen


Soon you will be retired like me. Living the easy life. Doing what ever you feel like. Going back to work, but not because you have to, but because you want to!

Author: Jeremy Teeuwsen

Ok. New business venture time. Have a look and let me know what you think.

Author: Jeremy Teeuwsen

Kart Vader ~ gives me some ideas. I guess the police are having trouble catchin’ this little go-kart.

Author: Jeremy Teeuwsen

The following conversation is the highlight of my day:

ReBeCcA JaCk says:

just a sec……Brodie pooped on the potty……

ReBeCcA JaCk says:

i’m back

ReBeCcA JaCk says:

no poop

ReBeCcA JaCk says:

just wanted the treat so he TOLD me he pooped

ReBeCcA JaCk says:


ReBeCcA JaCk says:


Geronimo says:

maybe not a stinker by the sounds of it.

ReBeCcA JaCk says:

well, this mornign he tried SO hard to poop (so he could have the treat that he pooped some kind of juicy material that looked like water, poor little monkey

ReBeCcA JaCk says:

i told him that he dosen’t have to POOP everytime he goes potty. Sometimes we just have to pee

Geronimo says:


ReBeCcA JaCk says:

no doubt

Geronimo says:

I think I now officially have way to much information

ReBeCcA JaCk says:

but we have a little party everytime he poops

Geronimo says:


ReBeCcA JaCk says:

he gets to call grandma and tell her ” i poop in da toiyet gwamma……wanna have party wiff me?”

Geronimo says:


ReBeCcA JaCk says:

and then i blow up some party balloons and blow the new years party blowers and whoop it up real good

ReBeCcA JaCk says:

its a real party

ReBeCcA JaCk says:

you guys having kids any time soon?

Geronimo says:

not anymore


and that’s about enough of that.

Author: Jeremy Teeuwsen

Canadian National Aerobatic Championships 2004

Sportsman Champion is Charlie Teeuwsen!

Author: Jeremy Teeuwsen

Now I would like to fix up another beetle once there is some new cash flow in my life. I am not sure exactly how it would look, but I hope it would drive like this(1.6MB).