Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Author: Jeremy Teeuwsen

Well there is a few new things on the rise. I have just recently become a Mortgage Agent. Make sure you check out my new site There are still a couple of little things to work out and some small design changes, but for the most part it is up and running.

I have also recently received a hair cut so all of the pictures on the Mortgage Agent site and for that matter are out of date. It is so short that I barely feel like I have hair anymore. I will post a picture one of these days, but it is still a bit of a shock. My ears are always cold and my head feels strangely lighter.

Other then that I have just been plugging away. There is a risk that I may take a job and run my semi-retirement stint. Not to mention if I take a job I will miss out on all kinds of exciting things like Keith coming over to visit, but instead he watches Crossroads while I work. I didn’t think Crossroads was that good of a movie, but Keith seemed to be cheering a lot.

Author: kteeuwsen

Ok, this is my first post. My offical entry into the World Wide Teeuwsen Web. WWTW for short. Anyways, I got a crack out of this… Enjoy the wok n roll.


Author: Jeremy Teeuwsen

What a wonderful winter land that we live in. The snow is nice, but… it was plus 11 on Friday and today it is minus 31 with the slight breeze that is going on. Nothing to worry about only a 40-degree difference. However not everyone is willing to admit defeat. Just now a girl walked by in a t-shirt. Pure Genius!

Author: Jeremy Teeuwsen

Often, especially as children, we are told that it is hard to take care of dogs. Maybe they just haven’t had a dog yet, because I am not entirely sure I would say it is hard. Below is a typical picture of our dog during the day.

Author: Jeremy Teeuwsen

I now have a Sugar Mama!

Good News!!! Kim got an OT position. It is part-time, but fits her well. Not to mention it is nice to have a little consistent income into our lives!

Author: Jeremy Teeuwsen

I got an interesting letter forwarded to me about the recent Edmonton Police Sting.


Police Sting?

Does the fact that both the targeted Edmonton Sun news columnist and the chairman of the Edmonton Police Commission taking cabs home not confirm that they had drank too much to drink to drive their own vehicles? Were and are they upset that they had to leave their vehicles? Were the streets not that much safer because they and who knows how many other notables did not drive home? Do these high-profile people not expect police scrutiny? Are they above the law?

Now had they pushed their luck and attempted to drive home, been stopped, arrested, and subsequently found to not be impaired, then they could scream that their rights had been infringed. That did not happen; so why are they howling now?

Those of us that have lost friends and relatives to drunk drivers have no problem with police targeting and laying in wait for possible drunk drivers- and I hope the police will not be intimidated by this huge media storm and turn a blind eye to any future offences these individuals may contemplate. I just hope that next time the police are more cognizant of the media police-radio scanners that allowed the present suspects to be forewarned.

H. Johnson

Sherwood Park

Author: Jeremy Teeuwsen

Congratulations to Mark and Pauline on their baby girl Hanna. Now don’t any of you be getting any ideas, because Kim and I will not be following the trend!

Author: Jeremy Teeuwsen

Good news for all of you out there. I have passed the Mortgage Agents’ Program! Soon I will be licensed with a brokerage and you can come to me with all your mortgage concerns including first mortgages, renewals, second mortgages, and whatever your heart desires.

Author: Jeremy Teeuwsen

Congratulations to Christine and Ryan here is a picture of their son Isaac at 2 days old.

and some Halloween pictures I forgot to put up.

Love Machines

rest of the crazies

Author: Jeremy Teeuwsen

Introducing… Gary (aka Mr. Orangee and Mr. Meowee)

Gary is Jeaninne’s birthday present from DJ. Renters in our basement. Pretty nice cat… until today… Gary was whining at the door. So, seeing as I am sucker I let him upstairs for a couple of minutes. With in no time he has peed on the blank on Kim, but unfortunately he got some on himself which he preceded to shake off and on to me. Needless to say Gary and I are no longer friends! At least today.