Archive for the ‘General’ Category

First Ride

Author: dteeuwsen

Well spring is arriving here in Alberta. Just last night I went for my first Mountain Bike ride of the year with Stu and John. It was still a little snowy and muddy, but we had a good time…. How can you complain when you are biking in double digit weather in March. At any rate I am really looking forward to the upcoming season, should be good times, Moab is only 4 1/2 months away… Plus now that Keith is getting into climbing, it should mean more climbing trips to the mountains, woo hoo.

Oh also I started my motorcycle yesterday as well… summer can’t come soon enough.

Le Parkour

Author: dteeuwsen

Hello to all out there. Something interesting for you all to check it out. This was shown to me by Craig, who was shown it from Chris. At any rate it is the latest rage that is taking the world by storm, and all I can say is wow… these guys are sick! After doing a google search about it there is a number of websites, pointing to groups all over the world doing this. Just google Le Parkour. Crazy I tell you, ok enough so here it is, check this vid out.

Well that is about all for now… stay tunned, coming in the next week.. Ski Clips from Canada. Oh, and hopefully I can post some more pictures soon.

Plus, The Weakerthans this weeked, I am so excited….

Skiing with Rick

Author: dteeuwsen

Hello Everyone. I know it has been a long time since I last posted, but hey, I guess I just didn’t have much to say. Anywho….

I just got back from a glorious weekend of skiing, one of the best I have had in a long time. Went with my good buddy, Rick, and a bunch of his friends, who I guess are now slowly becoming my friends, awwe isn’t that sweet. We went for two days, one day spent at Fernie and one day at Kimberley. What a hoot! Hoot hoot! Well I won’t bore you with all the details, but I will leave you with one story, well maybe more later, but for now this is all you get.

Ok, so Rick and I have just finished skiing the morning at Kimberley and we are going to go back to our condo to get some lunch. We are standing with our skis on at the bottom of the hill by the ticket window looking down a small set of stairs, maybe a 7 set. Well we are peering down these stairs, and Rick gives me this look, it was a look that said “I wonder if we can ski down the stairs, and then we don’t have to take our skis off to ski to the car!” I looked back at him thinking exactly the same thing. We look at the stairs again, and I say “I think it is just wood with a bit of a metal edge.” At this time I am already half down them in my mind. I continue, “That wouldn’t be much different that sliding a rail in the park” My logic was that rails in the terrain park are metal and skis slide on them, so why not stairs, eh. Rick is getting all ready to go, checking it out, as was I. I think we were both briefly waiting for the other person to go first. Well screw it I am going for it what is the worst that can happen. So I slide forward and lean forward…. and then it happens, I don’t slide I stick, but the problem is I have my momentum carrying me forward. So I try to walk to keep up with my self, every step I take sticking and compounding my problem, so I am trying even faster to keep up with my self. Now remember I have skis on and I am going down straight down a set of stairs running, man I wish I had this on video… I digress, I am almost down the stairs, I near jogging speed and I think to my self I am going to make it, this will be alright. But it wasn’t meant to be, I came crashing down at the bottom, ski pops off and I land in a crumpled heap….. Rick mean while, I can only imagine his delight in watching this whole scene unfold before his eyes. I come to rest and look up and Rick is just busting a gut, but I must also confess so was I. It was pretty darn funny, maybe you had to be there. I don’t what it is, but man I must of been the dumbest skier on the hill, I mean who does this stuff. The thing is, had I waited 10 seconds longer, Rick would have gone first…. Ahh… good times.

Family Day

Author: dteeuwsen

So it is Family Day in Alberta. The government has been so nice to give us a day off from working to spend the day with the ones that we love. Unfortunately my family has all decided to defect and run away. My big brother Jer and his wife Kim decided to go and hang out in Austria, Steve ran away to Tiawan to try and teach the locals english, Keith said enough of this I am heading to Banff to go skiing, and my parents went dog sledding in Canmore… I tell you, life is pretty rough for them! Well I hope that they are enjoying themselves. I love my family and the fact that they are so adventurous, it sure makes life more interesting. Even my mom continues to surprise me, for example last summer she did a 40km backpack trip with us. I sure do love my mom!

Well so not much to do today, kinda bored… so what do when you are bored with not much to do…. well here is an idea make websites about you friends with you roommate (well Craig did most of the work… okay like 90% but the 10% of input I put in was really good 😉 ). To start here is a dedication to Dustyn! Hope you all enjoy it, especially you Dustyn.

Ice Skating

Author: dteeuwsen

Last night I went ice skating at Hawrelak Park with Craig and a bunch of people that he knows. Skating is good fun, and a great winter activity. I actually find it quite relaxing cruising around on the ice, feeling the cool winter breeze on your face. Ahh.. good times. Well at any rate Craig and I were trying to develop new things to be incorporated with skating and what we came up with is break dance skating.

< lost image 🙁 >

I am sure that it is going to take off, it is only a matter of time.


Author: dteeuwsen

Went tobogganing last night, it was good times. Went with a bunch of the Skate Church staff volunteers. There is nothing quite like flying uncontrollably down an icy slope.


Author: Jeremy Teeuwsen

Well look at those Oilers. They aren’t doing as well as some would hope, but I just found out the following…

“This year, the Edmonton Oilers have taken over the top spot, being ranked #1 in the NHL by hockey fans everywhere, and #8 overall. Most impressively, however, the Edmonton Oilers have been rated the overall #1 Bang For Your Buck in all of professional sports! – ESPN SPORTSNATION Rankings

Well what do ya know.

Peaceful and Content

Author: dteeuwsen

Hello Stranger! Well I have been told that I do not post enough on this site, and really I think that is probably true. So here is something, even if it is full of nothing. I guess I wish I had something exciting of witty to share but alas all I have today is this photo:

when the street light shines

I like this photo and find that evokes a peaceful and content feeling within. Does this remind you of anything or anywhere??

Well that is all for today, I am going to try and be more diligent in my postings, I guess we can only wait to see what will happen.


Drilling Equipment

Author: dteeuwsen

One more quick note, I also posted a couple of pictures of some drilling equipment that I have worked on at work. This is for all of you who wonder what I do all day… this is it drill design… woo hoo! You can also check out more at Mobile Augers’ web site. Mobile Augers is a sister company to the one I work for, they do actual drilling. My company builds they use, it is amazing how it all works together.

Missing Moab

Author: dteeuwsen

As I sit here writing this message, trying to peer out my window through the ice that has built up on it, I couldn’t help but think of when times were a bit warmer. Days that you could go outside and enjoy yourself, but alas winter has bared her nasty teeth and is proceding to try and take a bite out of anyone and anything. Oh well, can’t last forever I tell my self. But till then I will have the memories of last summer…. and in light of that I have posted some pictures from a mountain bike trip I took with some guys to Moab, Utah. Thanks need to be given to Dave who took the pictures. You can check them out in the pictures page. Oh, and look up Dave’s page Canadians in Moab, photographs of past trips to the mountain biking mecca.