Author: Jeremy Teeuwsen

The following conversation is the highlight of my day:

ReBeCcA JaCk says:

just a sec……Brodie pooped on the potty……

ReBeCcA JaCk says:

i’m back

ReBeCcA JaCk says:

no poop

ReBeCcA JaCk says:

just wanted the treat so he TOLD me he pooped

ReBeCcA JaCk says:


ReBeCcA JaCk says:


Geronimo says:

maybe not a stinker by the sounds of it.

ReBeCcA JaCk says:

well, this mornign he tried SO hard to poop (so he could have the treat that he pooped some kind of juicy material that looked like water, poor little monkey

ReBeCcA JaCk says:

i told him that he dosen’t have to POOP everytime he goes potty. Sometimes we just have to pee

Geronimo says:


ReBeCcA JaCk says:

no doubt

Geronimo says:

I think I now officially have way to much information

ReBeCcA JaCk says:

but we have a little party everytime he poops

Geronimo says:


ReBeCcA JaCk says:

he gets to call grandma and tell her ” i poop in da toiyet gwamma……wanna have party wiff me?”

Geronimo says:


ReBeCcA JaCk says:

and then i blow up some party balloons and blow the new years party blowers and whoop it up real good

ReBeCcA JaCk says:

its a real party

ReBeCcA JaCk says:

you guys having kids any time soon?

Geronimo says:

not anymore


and that’s about enough of that.

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