Ok… a few more details about this last weekend. It started off with Mom’s 50th Birthday party and of course she got all 50 of the bumps she deserved.

Following which it appeared that the adventures for the weekend had ended. Until… Sunday Morning. Kim rolls over and tells me her stomach hurts. The proceeds to tell me every 3 or 4 minutes. So I ask her if she is sure the pain isn’t contractions. Her response is that she doesn’t know for sure, but that she wasn’t sure contractions actually felt like this.
Needless to say we were off to the hospital. Now it is debatable how many details I should share between arriving at the hospital and when the baby was born. So if you are looking for more details you will have to talk to me in person. For the most part everything went smoothly and as far as I am concerned, which may not count for much, it went way better then what I was expecting.
Once Kim started pushing it only took about 20 minutes for the baby to be born. This part is a little crazy. At first all you see is a bit of the head and then all of a sudden the whole baby comes out and you just stop and stare and wonder how did that happen… truly amazing. There were a couple of minor complications, but they were solved right away. Judah spent a couple of hours in intensive care and then was good to come and spend the night with us.
Judah Lane Teeuwsen is a boy, in case that is not clear, was born Sunday night at 21:55 weighing 7lbs 6oz and was 20.5 inches long. Sometime soon I will post more pictures in the Pictures section, but for now…

Judah and Mom
Judah and Dad
Judah in new Cradle made by his Grand Parents. (Thanks, Mom and Dad)
Close up of Judah in Cradle.
March 15th, 2006 at 1:01 am
It is good to see that you all are home and of course he is the most adorable baby ever.
Love MomT
March 15th, 2006 at 5:00 am
Thats one good looking cradle…
March 15th, 2006 at 9:13 pm
pictures of Grandparents with child would be welcome!
Fine workmanship on the cradle..
March 16th, 2006 at 7:53 pm
Congratulations to the Teeuwsen and Campbell clans. Man, when you think about it, the teeuwsen name is gonna get pretty common when all the boys start passing it on. In my family i guess i get sole responsibility of passing down the history….no pressure! Old man features aside, he’s a pretty alright looking fella, you both should be pretty proud. Well thats all i got for now. So i’ll leave you with something relevent from the simpsons.
Dr. Hibbert: ” He He He, Mr. Simpson, it’s a boy!”
Homer: “And what a Boy!”
Dr. Hibbert: “Uh, Mr. Simpson that’s the umbilical cord.”
Jonny B
March 18th, 2006 at 6:49 am
Wow! Wow! Wow! Jer and Kim, congradulations. I was telling everyone last night that I really have to check the e-mail to see if I was an uncle to a nephew or neice and IT’S A BOY! I’m really happy for you and that everything went well. And I’m stoked for me too. I get to play with my nephew Judah when I make it back to your house. Loads of love and congradulations again.
March 20th, 2006 at 9:18 pm
Nice work you two, that is an adorable little dude. If he takes after his father he will likely have the ladies chasing after him in about a week.
Congratulations Kim and Jer…yes, Kim’s name first, we know she did most of the work 😉
Hope to see you this summer when I’m in town…or maybe in the fall, travel plans are still up in the air.