Well it has been a crazy couple of days. I have been working on a promotional CD for the school. It is basically done. I am just waiting for some software to come in the mail and it should be good to go after a little more testing.
Yesterday we abandoned the students in the middle of the night and come morning they had to find their own way down the mountain. Pretty easy task considering the other things that we have done. Once they reached the road we took their packs and they had a 12km race back to the school. Everyone did quite well, but we did have one student that collapsed right before he reached the school. Some students were behind him as he collapsed and ran ahead to get us. When I found him he was shaking and was no longer conscious. We got him back to the school, the ambulance and the emergency doctor came right away and he was taken to the hospital. They did some scans on him and he had no brain damage and his heart and lungs were fine, but he remained unconscious until late in the evening. He is now doing much better, but will have to spend a couple of days in the hospital. It amazes me how a person can push their body to such extremes.